I am a real estate broker and I’ve always struggled with closing gifts for my clients. Unless a gift is something nice and practical that they can use, it always seemed gratuitous to me so I usually do not give a gift. Recently I received a package in the mail addressed to my wife and me from Willola Farm. When we opened the box it was a gorgeous handmade cutting board with our last name inscribed on it. I turned the board over to find my own company logo on the back of it. My hats off to them for their marketing strategy of sending me a board that I could potentially send to my clients. What a great idea! Ever since then, I have sent a personalized board to each and every one of my clients after they close on their new home. Most of them have even personally reached out to thank me and texted a photo of where they keep the cutting board out in their kitchen. I just wanted to say thank you to Willola Farm for providing such a great product and marketing idea for my business and clients.

We recently purchased a home and wanted an oversized coffee table like one we saw on a popular furniture site. We showed Willola Farm the table and they built us one exactly like it but in the size we wanted! It looks amazing! Now I have to talk my husband into having you guys make a dining table for us soon.